Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 today???

This article talks about the comparisons between todays societity and the distopic society portrayed in Fahrenheit 451. The article talks about how people in the book no longer think for themselves and only care about being happy. Some of these predictions that Bradbury brings up seemed to have come true, including the fact that some parents are just like some of Mildred's friends. Mrs. Bowles had two children but just sends them to school and then puts them in fornt of the televisor and has not real acsiation with her children. Unfortunately there are many parents who do that in today's society.

Also the article describes how in both societies people are turning away from the arts. It is really unfortunate that our society is more inclined to watch a movie than a play or look up spark notes than read a book. The article explains that because of this, society will blindly follow future leaders. This is a very scary thought that society could become this if we keep ignoring the arts. Thankfully society is not to the point it is at in the book. In Fahrenheit 451, there is a war going on but no one seems to care. I for one never want that to be the case in our society. Of course I never want our society to spiral downward like it seems to have done in the book, and where people wanting to learn and better themselves are considered criminals.

Question to consider...
Knowing how dependant on TV and other media/pop culture our society is, if today's society was the Society in Fahrenheit 451 how hard would Montag have to work and what would he have to do "fix "our society?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nowadays people are less interested in reading books and more to the technology. It is possible for our society to turn into the one in Fahrenheit because our lack of creativity. I believe the more an individuals reads then it allows them to expand their imagination tto a farther range. Without the possession of books, we will lose the opportunity to learn more. Technologies are useful but they're not 100% stablized. If montag wants to save this society and the existence of books then it'll be a difficult task for him to fulfill. I don't believe he has the ability to "fix" this mess in the society. It is nearly possible to save books nowadays with these new technologies producing everyday.
